Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Last minute contributions from Allie

This morning I made some last minute changes to the blog. Our group was going to do a scrapbook for our codebook but since I didn't have everyone's coding sheets until late last night, I didn't even have the scrapbook started and decided that it would be easier and much more time efficient to post them on the blog so that is what I did, and I think it turned out wonderfully.

Last Two Team Meetings

Thursday October 27:
We met during class time on Thursday and started to code all of our cartoons together. We discussed many of the issues that we researched while coding and talked about the way the issue was being framed in the cartoon. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to do all of them together so we divided them up and decided to code the rest over the weekend. It was a short but sweet meeting.

Monday Oct. 31:
We met again on monday to go over everything that we had coded and make sure that we all agreed on how the cartoon was being framed. This discussion took us a little while and eventually we all came to a consensus on each cartoon. We then discussed our group conclusions and wrote them down to be posted on the blog and afterwards agreed to make any final finishes by tomorrow. Other than that we were good and got everything done.

Travis' Work, a very brief overview

Today, on November 1st I have finished my work on the blog, which was work on the pages found under the religions tab.  While, I cannot provide exact times of everything I did, I spent a significant amount of time after finding out what the group wanted to do to understand what the author was trying to portray on his cartoon, even tracking some of the cartoons to the author's blog where they explain what they are trying to accomplish.

While, not doing as much research on the other topics as I did for religion, I did read up on some things that were happening so that I could at least contribute a little to the team meetings.  For the research I searched Google for New York Times and church documents, and Ebsco Host for research documents.

I spent quite a bit of time trying to tack down newspaper articles that contained gay views of religions and unfortunately could not get too many views, however, I do hope that what I found will hit close to home plus spark an interest in the blog reader to find out more.

I recently spent the last couple of hours trying to proof read my parts and will hopefully have some time to review my team members work before class starts today.  Overall, I enjoyed this project and was glad to get a new perspective on gays.

Ami Meite Group Project

The first meeting for our project, we decided what we will be doing was each group member will come up with 2 negative and 2 positive cartoons by the time we met on the 18th. Then on the 18th, when we brought together the editorial cartoons we found, we decided to divide up the labor by pages. I was in charge of the World wide page and of also creating the blog. Bradley was in charge of proposition 8 page. Allie was in charge of the Home page and also of putting up cartoons. Travis was in charge of religion and Spencer was in charge of Hot spots.
Our group met on several occasions to talk about our project as well as code the cartoons. On Thursday's group meeting, we happened to code Bradley's cartoons but then realized it would be a smarter idea for everyone to code the cartoons they found and then come together on Monday at 4pm, yesterday, to make sure that we coded them right and put the final touches on the blog pages. On Thursday, we also decided that we need to be done with our pages by Sunday so that we could peer review everyone's pages and make sure that they are mistake free. The research that I had to do took a long time because it was difficult to find information on different countries and also using cartoons that were specific or talked about the issues faced in that country. So it took a long time and a lot of hours spent on the computer to come up with the research that i have now. yesterday, I went through and edited my group's pages just to make sure there were no serious mistakes.

Bradley Wells' Group Project Happenings!

Here is my post of what I have done for group project #2 for team Cooper's Troup on same-sex marriage. The first thing we did was we decided that we would all go out and find 2 negative, and 2 positive cartoons for each of us. We would bring these to the first group meeting on October 18th. On October 17th, I spent from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm looking at cartoons and gathering ones that I felt were best represented of our topic. During our group meeting we decided that we were going to do a blog, with a notebook/scrapbook that would have all of our cartoons inside, and coded. We separated our blog in to 4 different topics, Proposition 8, Hot Spots, Religion, and World-Wide. I was assigned the topic of Proposition 8. We decided we would do research on our topics and start putting our blog together so that we could better understand the cartoons, and be better prepared to code them properly. Ami set up the project blog, and after being given admin privileges, I went to work on creating a nice drop down navigation menu, to create an easier method to work ones way throughout the blog. On Tuesday, October 22nd, I spent from 3:00 pm, until 9:00 pm working on the navigation menu, and also starting my research and getting most of my information. I finished the navigation menu after struggling with it for 3 hours. I also had everyone let me know how they would like to name their pages so that I could add them to the blog so they could begin working on their pages and work in earnest. I found some really good sites about Proposition 8 that were very beneficial to me in working on my pages, and also better understanding the cartoons that were being used. On Wednesday, October 23rd, I again spent from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm finding more information on Proposition 8, and also put together a nice intro about what my pages would be covering, and also added a clip from Stephen Colbert to add some humor to the topic. Thursday was a group meeting day. I was able to get my cartoons coded, but since it was taking so long, we decided that we were going to continue adding information and research to the blog and finish coding the cartoons on Monday, October 31st in another group meeting. On Sunday, October 30th, I spent from 9:00 pm until 3:00 am working on my pages some more. I finished the introduction page, and began work on the "What is Proposition 8?" page. Monday we met as a group at 4:00 pm and finished coding everyone's cartoons and talked about the last few adjustments and information we wanted on the page. I went home relaxed for a little while, ate some dinner and sat down to finish my work. I started working on the pages at 9:00 pm, and finished up the "What is Proposition 8?" page. I then began work on the Results/Aftermath and found more really interesting information that fit wonderfully with my pages. I Continued working on the pages until 4:50 am where I was able to complete everything. I have read over everything to be sure it makes sense, and is grammatically correct and with no spelling errors. I have also printed and filled out my Team Member Evaluation form. I will most likely read over my pages again as well as those of my team mates in hopes that we can avoid any silly errors that are easily fixed. I also added my own opinion piece to the project blog, you can find it in the "Our Views" page.