Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Last Two Team Meetings

Thursday October 27:
We met during class time on Thursday and started to code all of our cartoons together. We discussed many of the issues that we researched while coding and talked about the way the issue was being framed in the cartoon. Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to do all of them together so we divided them up and decided to code the rest over the weekend. It was a short but sweet meeting.

Monday Oct. 31:
We met again on monday to go over everything that we had coded and make sure that we all agreed on how the cartoon was being framed. This discussion took us a little while and eventually we all came to a consensus on each cartoon. We then discussed our group conclusions and wrote them down to be posted on the blog and afterwards agreed to make any final finishes by tomorrow. Other than that we were good and got everything done.

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