Thursday, October 27, 2011

I thought I would contribute to the decoding of this image. In the poster in the above image I believe the person depicted is Boyd K. Packer one of the 12 apostles of the Church of Jesus-Christ of later day saints. check the next image to see what you think.
The red and blue come from one of president Obama's campaign poster for hope seen in the next image.
Obama Poster
Which could mean that this editorial cartoon is saying that there is hope for gay people if they change the way they think or it implies that gays have a choice if they are gay or not. Which is somewhat true considering that the church's view is that one may have more thoughts about same sex attraction but, does not think you have to act on it and that in essence everyone is heterosexual at their root.

It is also interesting to note that the pose of Elder Packer is similar to that of Uncle Sam's, "I want you" poster, shown below. So, does this mean that he is saying, "I want you to change and there is hope?" Maybe, maybe not. Leave your opinions in the comments.


  1. That is quite an excellent view on that editorial cartoon...What a break down! I didn't even see any of those until you did that, but I am think you are correct in those assumptions. As for what it is meaning....That one is tougher...I would definitely say it is against gay marriage, but in a somewhat positive way. Overall all, I think you hit the nail on the head with that one.

  2. You're close bradley. Obama's original campaign slogan was "Change" which is why it says change in the cartoon. The person depicted in the image though is indeed Elder Packer of the LDS Quorum of the twelve apostles. This is significant because last April, in LDS General Conference he addressed the issue of Gay Marraige and was quite harsh in some people's eyes. In the cartoon I feel like the artist is saying that Obama's slogan of "Change" will help motivate those members of the LDS church to change because the LDS Church is quite against gay marriage.

  3. I did not know that the campaign slogan for Obama was "change." That does increase my view on that. I did know that LDS church is against gay marriage. I think I remember something about that talk. I'll look into the talk some more, but this one we may want to consult the entire group on.
